On the 29th of February, the LUA monthly meeting was held. The meeting commenced with a presentation by Mr. Denys Kovalenko regarding the newly established “Strategy for Sweden’s Reconstruction and Reform Cooperation with Ukraine 2023–2027” and the opportunities for collaboration it provides. This was followed by the Swedish Institute’s call for proposals and concluded with a list of supporting activities now available on the LUA webpage under the “Documents” category.
During the discussion, many issues were raised, including possible collaborative projects on improved rehabilitation for wounded soldiers and civilians in Ukraine, the informational gap between opportunities for cooperation with Ukraine and the awareness among university staff, wide Erasmus exchange possibilities, a summer school for Ukrainian medical students, and how Sweden can learn from Ukrainian expertise in drone use, among others. About a dozen participants took part in this fruitful meeting, with half being new to the LUA. We hope to continue involving more people from the university in discussions regarding academic support for Ukraine in the upcoming months, as well as finalizing other projects that are currently underway.
Prepared by Denys Kovalenko